Information about the Review Process and
Submitting a Manuscript
Manuscipts submitted to Teacher Education Quarterly (TEQ) are reviewed “double-blind”; therefore, all submissions must conform to the anonymous peer review requirements listed below.* Manuscripts are accepted and reviewed year-round. From time to time we may publish a special issue.
All manuscripts submitted to the TEQ are reviewed according to the following procedures:
Initial desk review: The Editor evaluates each manuscript to determine if its topic and content is suitable for TEQ (i.e., the manuscript addresses an issue related to teacher education, cites the relevant research in our field, and meets the journal’s writing standards). Manuscripts that do not meet minimum criteria are returned to the authors within 30 days of receipt. This “desk review” is in the best interest of authors who can then submit the manuscript to a more appropriate venue, thus avoiding delays of a lengthy review process that would lead to certain rejection. Manuscripts meeting TEQ criteria are sent on for peer review.
Peer review: The Editor selects reviewers based on their expertise and the number of reviews in progress. Each manuscript is reviewed by one to three reviewers under a double-blind process, where both the reviewer and the authors are kept anonymous. Reviewers are asked to evaluate the manuscript based on the following criteria:
- The manuscript holds significance for teacher education. The work is original and will contribute new insights or knowledge to our field.
- The theoretical and conceptual framework is sound and compelling and works to intervene on a theoretical or conceptual tension. The literature reviewed is current, relevant to the study, and includes a significant number of references/citations taken from journals or books devoted to teacher education or teacher development.
- The methodology is appropriate and thorough. The research questions are clearly stated. The paper has a complete description of the data collection procedures and analysis (if applicable). The author(s) addresses the validity and reliability of all measurement tools/instruments.
- The findings and conclusions are warranted and analyzed in light of the relevant literature and address a particular gap in the field.
- The writing is clear, cogent, and concise, appropriate for a scholarly audience, and adheres to APA style and guidelines.
To facilitate timely publication, reviewers are asked to complete their reviews within 90-120 days, but the entire review process can take a year or more.
Recommendation: Based on reviewer ratings and comments, the Editor, representing the Board of Directors of the California Council on Teacher Education, and often in consulation with the Associate Editor and Editorial Board, makes the final decision on manuscripts.
Manuscript Submission Details
1. Manuscripts must be created with Microsoft Word, double-spaced, approximately 7500-9000 words in length (this figure includes all references and tables) in Times New Roman typeface, 12 pt. font, using 1 inch margins. Authors should avoid submitting supplementary files and instead submit a single file, placing all tables, figures, and references in a single document, inserting them in the place they will appear in print. Please note that TEQ does not publish abstracts, but they are used to match manuscripts to peer reviewers and thus required for submission. The names of authors should NOT be included on the initial manuscript. Please follow the guidelines below* required for anonymous peer review.
2. Authors must use APA style ( most recent edition-see for headings, sub-headings, citations, references, and style. The following template may be useful for those authors not familiar with APA style. The Editor strongly suggests that authors hire an expert APA copyeditor to review their work before submitting a manuscript.
3. Authors must provide contact information for the main author and all other authors to complete the submission process electronically.
4. Authors must declare that the manuscript has not been submitted and currently under consideration elsewhere.
5. Please avoid sentence-length manuscript titles.
Manuscript submission: TEQ uses the Open Journal Systems (OJS) electronic manuscript submission technology. To submit a manuscript, please click here (or enter directly into your browser’s addresss bar) to begin the electronic submission process. If you are a new user, click on “Not a User? Register with this site” in the lower left part of the screen. Follow the prompts to complete the registration process. You are encouraged to register as both an author and reviewer so that you can assist in the evaluation of manuscripts.You will receive a confirmation email with your user name and password. Login to the website again. Select and follow the steps for Author and/or New Submissions.
After a paper has been accepted for publication, Alan Jones (, publisher at Caddo Gap Press, answers all questions regarding final formatting, date of publication, and other publishing questions (e.g., cost and distribution of TEQ).
* Anonymous peer review. To ensure that article referees or peer reviewers do not know your identity (as author[s] of the manuscript being reviewed), you will need to make sure that you remove any information in your manuscript (including footnotes and acknowledgements) that could identify you, and disguise all references to personally identifiable information such as the research institution where your work was carried out.
In text, you can replace any information that would identify the author(s) by substituting words such as: [name deleted to maintain the integrity of the review process].
•Do not mention a grant awarded to a named person. (This information can be added later.)
• Do not add any running headers or footers that would identify authors.
• Refer to your own references in the third person. For example, write “Smith and Black (2007) have demonstrated”, not “We have previously demonstrated (Smith & Black, 2007)”.
• Check that all identifiers have been removed from electronic files, for example, documents prepared using MicrosoftTM Word®. Personal or hidden information is stored in File Properties. These properties include Author, Manager, Company, and Last Saved By. Hidden information includes hidden text, revised text, comments, or field codes, and these can remain in a document even though you can’t see them. If you entered your name or email address when you registered your software, this will be stored as part of the document. Information contained in custom fields that you add to the document, such as an “author” or “owner” field, is not automatically removed. You must edit or remove the custom field to remove that information. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Security tab. Select the Remove personal information from File properties on Save check box.
• If your paper is accepted for publication, you will need to put back any references to yourself, your institution, grants awarded, etc. in the final draft.
• Avoid or minimize self-citation. If it is necessary to cite your own work, delete the names of authors and other identifying information and place substitute words in brackets, such as: [name deleted to maintain the integrity of the review process]. In the reference list, you should delete the citation and add it before submitting your final draft.